The Avionics department creates the hardware and software of the Flight computer, that is, the device that deals with the opening of the parachutes and sending telemetry data for the recovery of the rocket, and a console, for the remote engine start.
The most important system is the Flight Computer, the brain of the rocket: it is responsible for gathering telemetry data, deploying parachutes, and sending the data needed for recovery.
Sensors are often too noisy to estimate the altitude well, and it is important to filter out these uncertainties to deploy the parachutes at the right time.
The Ground Station is the main operation console, where live telemetry is received, and the launch signal is sent remotely to the Ignition system, which is in charge of igniting the rocket motor while every operator is at a safe distance.
To retrieve remote data from the rocket while flying is essential to have a reliable connection between the Flight Computer and the Ground Station at all times: this is fundamental for the recovery of the rocket and ensures the safety of everybody present.
To improve weight, reduce dimensions, and ensure robustness, the Avionics Department invests in the design and the creation of PCBs for their systems.
Having an accurate recording of all the flight data throughout the whole duration of the mission is essential to all the departments for validating their models and improving on what didn't work as intended.